Transversal slicing system (TSS) of Planmeca PM 2002 CC is a tomographic technique which enables us to take cross-sectional views of jaws. Tomographic imaging modalities are commonly applied to acquire cross-sectional images of the jaws for preimplant assessment of bone. Among the available tomographic imaging modalities, panoramic radiography is the most accessible imaging system.
Materials and methods
Study was conducted using 25 mandibles, out of these five were used for linear dimensional accuracy measurement and the rest 20 were utilized to study the details within the mandible. Study was aimed to evaluate dimensional stability in the images using different parameters, such as determination of direction of slice, determination of horizontal and vertical magnification, angular distortion, threedimensional distortion and determination of details.
For the direction of slice and for determination of horizontal and vertical magnification change in + 5° to – 5° was in acceptable limit. In determination of details, it was found that there was great discrepancy in readings given by nonradiologist which offset the mean value which was attributed to lack of training for interpretation of the observers.
99% of the readings were in the clinically acceptable limits.
Clinical significance
The easy availability, use of routine equipment, the low cost, low radiation dose for cross-sectional radiography make the TSS most preferred modality.
How to cite this article
Kumar MA, Mody B, Nair GKR, Surender LR, Gopal SS, Prasad RVKA. Dimensional Accuracy and Details of the Panoramic Cross-sectional Tomographic Images: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13(1):85-97.
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