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VOLUME 23 , ISSUE 3 ( March, 2022 ) > List of Articles


Epidemiology of Facial Profiles, Occlusal Features, and Orthodontic Treatment Need among Adolescence: A Cross-sectional Study

Abdulwahab Alhadad, Khalid Aldhorae, Mohammed M Al Moaleem, Mohammed A Al-labani, Kadejh A Kofiyh, Khalid ALjawfi, Ali Mohammed M Abdulrab, Mohammed A Alraawi, Nour M Alshakhs, Muqbil S Alqahtani, Zainab M Altawili

Citation Information : Alhadad A, Aldhorae K, Moaleem MM, Al-labani MA, Kofiyh KA, ALjawfi K, Abdulrab AM, Alraawi MA, Alshakhs NM, Alqahtani MS, Altawili ZM. Epidemiology of Facial Profiles, Occlusal Features, and Orthodontic Treatment Need among Adolescence: A Cross-sectional Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (3):313-319.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3258

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 24-06-2022

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2022; The Author(s).


Aims: This study aimed to investigate the incidence and severity of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment needs among randomly selected high school students. Methods: A multistage stratified random-sampling study was conducted on 1,036 high school students in Sana'a city. The World Dental Federation and World Health Organization method of occlusal traits and the index of orthodontic treatment need were adopted for measurements. Clinically, the molar relationship and facial profile were examined. Assessment of whether examiner or subject perceived the need for orthodontic treatment was made using the esthetic component index. All data were analyzed using the Chi-square test with a significance level of p <0.05. Results: Normal, convex, and concave facial-profile measurements were found in 81.9, 12.1, and 6.15% of sampled students, respectively. Asymmetrical molar relationship was observed in 16.1% of samples, and most of them were of class I/class II relationships. Increased overjet was noticed in 90.9% of students. Anterior crossbite, deepbite, anterior openbite, posterior openbite, posterior crossbite, and scissor bite accounted for 12.2, 12.8, 3.5, 1.3, 6.6, and 0.6%, respectively. According to the index orthodontic treatment need, 38.9% of students needed some form of orthodontic treatment. Among these cases, 24.3% “definitely” needed treatment, and 59.9% of students needed orthodontic treatment. Conclusion: Our findings suggested a call for a more conservative treatment approach in dealing with malocclusion problems among high school students in all zones of Sana'a governorate, Yemen. Clinical significance: A limited number of surveys were performed in Sana'a Governorate to investigate orthodontic treatment needs, facial profiles, and occlusal features among adolescents. The results of this study could guide us to develop a preventive system that minimizes its adverse effects and the need for costly orthodontic treatments.

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