Evaluation of Elongated Styloid Process on Digital Panoramic Radiographs
G Roopashri, MR Vaishali, Maria Priscilla David, Muqeet Baig, Uma Shankar
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Roopashri G, Vaishali M, David MP, Baig M, Shankar U. Evaluation of Elongated Styloid Process on Digital Panoramic Radiographs. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13 (5):618-622.
The elongated styloid process may produce characteristic head and neck pain syndromes, commonly known as Eagle's syndrome. An awareness of this syndrome is important to all health practitioners involved in the diagnosis and treatment of neck and head pain. It has been estimated that 2 to 28% of the general adult population has radiographic appearance of elongated styloid process.
The objective of the study was to assess the elongation of styloid process on digital panoramic radiographs and to evaluate the prevalence of elongation according to age, sex and types.
Elongated styloid process was seen in 107 subjects out of 300 patients who were aged between 10 and 70 years old. Our study revealed that as age increased elongation of styloid process increased with female predominance. Type 1 elongation was most common than the other types of elongation. We also found that left styloids were elongated than the right with bilateral elongation.
Panoramic radiographs can show a correct picture of elongated styloid process which can confirm the diagnosis and can thus help avoid misinterpretation of the symptoms as tonsillar pain or pain of dental, pharyngeal or muscular origin and hence panoramic radiography is economical and the best imaging modality to view the elongation of styloid process.
How to cite this article
Roopashri G, Vaishali MR, David MP, Baig M, Shankar U. Evaluation of Elongated Styloid Process on Digital Panoramic Radiographs. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13(5):618-622.
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