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VOLUME 13 , ISSUE 5 ( September-October, 2012 ) > List of Articles


Reliability of Broadrick Flag in Determination of Curve of Spee in Indian Population

HM Kashinatha, Mahanthesh S Bembalgi, PC Ramesh Kumar, Kiran Babu Yarlagadda, P Mohammed Ateeq

Citation Information : Kashinatha H, Bembalgi MS, Kumar PR, Yarlagadda KB, Ateeq PM. Reliability of Broadrick Flag in Determination of Curve of Spee in Indian Population. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13 (5):627-631.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-1199

Published Online: 01-02-2013

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2012; The Author(s).



Occlusion and occlusal plane is the primary criteria in fabrication of posterior restorations. The simplest method of establishment of occlusal plane is through the use of Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer.


This study aims to know the reliability of Broadrick flag in determination of curve of Spee with different proposed radii in different skeletal relation in Indian population.

Materials and methods

Male and female dentulous subjects were selected randomly. Maxillary and mandibular full arch impressions were made; casts were prepared and mounted in semiadjustable articulator using face bow transfer. Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer was mounted on upper member of articulator. Analysis was done using the proposed radii of curvature. The same procedure was repeated by taking different radii with variations of ¼ inch, difference was measured by metal caliper, tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis.


Results showed that Indian subjects show minor variations in radii, but most of the subjects confirmed the radii, which was proposed by the Lynch CD and McConnell RJ.


Statistical analysis confirmed that proposed radii confirms to existing occlusal plane for different skeletal relationships. Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer is a reliable tool with the proposed radii for Indian population.

How to cite this article

Jagadeesh KN, Kashinatha HM, Bembalgi MS, Ramesh Kumar PC, Yarlagadda KB, Ateeq PM. Reliability of Broadrick Flag in Determination of Curve of Spee in Indian Population. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13(5):627-631.

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