An in vivo Evaluation of Different Methods of Working Length Determination
Nitin Shah, Jyoti Mandlik, Kalpana Pawar, Paras Gupta, Shoaib Ali Shaik
Citation Information :
Shah N, Mandlik J, Pawar K, Gupta P, Shaik SA. An in vivo Evaluation of Different Methods of Working Length Determination. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013; 14 (4):644-648.
The purpose of this in vivo study was to compare the ability of digital tactile, digital radiographic and electronic methods to determine reliability in locating the apical constriction.
Materials and methods
Informed consent was obtained from patients scheduled for orthodontic extraction. The teeth were anesthetized, isolated and accessed. The canals were negotiated, pulp chamber and canals were irrigated and pulp was extirpated. The working length was then evaluated for each canal by digital tactile sensation, an electronic apex locator (The Root ZX) and digital radiography. The readings were then compared with post-extraction working length measurements.
The percentage accuracy indicated that EAL method (Root ZX) shows maximum accuracy, i.e. 99.85% and digital tactile and digital radiographic method (DDR) showed 98.20 and 97.90% accuracy respectively.
Clinical significance
Hence, it can be concluded that the EAL method (Root ZX) produced most reliable results for determining the accurate working length.
How to cite this article
Mandlik J, Shah N, Pawar K, Gupta P, Singh S, Shaik SA. An in vivo Evaluation of Different Methods of Working Length Determination. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013;14(4):644-648.
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