Structural Reinforcement and Sealing Ability of Temporary Fillings in Premolar with Class II MOD Cavities
Yuri Dal Bello, João Vicente Barbizam, Vinicius Rosa
Citation Information :
Bello YD, Barbizam JV, Rosa V. Structural Reinforcement and Sealing Ability of Temporary Fillings in Premolar with Class II MOD Cavities. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014; 15 (1):66-70.
To evaluate the capability to reinforce tooth structure and sealing ability of temporary filling materials in premolars with MOD cavities. The hypothesis is that temporary filling materials can concomitantly prevent microleakage and increase fracture resistance.
Materials and methods
Premolars received root canal treatment and MOD cavities. Cavities were restored with noneugenol cement (CIM), glass ionomer cement (GIC) or light curable composite (BIO). Higid and without restoration were controls. Materials for flexual strength and teeth were tested for microleakage and compressive strength.
GIC and Higid presented similar compressive strength, higher than other groups. Bio and GIC presented similar flexural strength higher than BIO. CIM and BIO showed similar microleakage lower than GIC.
The hypothesis was rejected as filling materials tested failed to prevent microleakage and to increase fracture resistance concomitantly.
Clinical significance
GIC may be considered to restore weakened teeth subjected to occlusal loads. BIO and CIM are better choices to microleakage in teeth not subjected to mechanical stresses.
How to cite this article
Bello YD, Barbizam JV, Rosa V. Structural Reinforcement and Sealing Ability of Temporary Fillings in Premolar with Class II MOD Cavities. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014;15(1):66-70.
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