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Vasanthakumari A, Selvabalaji A, Ekambareswaran K, Swetha R, Ishwarya M. Knowledge, Awareness, and Practice Regarding Management of Dental Trauma in Children among Dental Practitioners: A Cross-sectional Survey. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (10):1033-1038.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the current level of knowledge and understanding about dental trauma and its management in children among dental practitioners.
Materials and methods: The study was conducted after obtaining the ethical clearance from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). A structured questionnaire was prepared, which comprised 20 questions and was validated by dental trauma experts. The questionnaire, which covers all aspects of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) in both primary and permanent dentition, was distributed online to 850 dental practitioners. The questionnaire was open from January 2022 to April 2022, with a 3-month time frame to complete it. The responses were collected and statistical analysis was done using SPSS software.
Results: The mean age of the participants were 22–30 years. Furthermore, 515 participants were females and 263 were males. In this survey among 784 responses, 449 dentists were trained in dental trauma and 618 participants had personal experience in managing dental trauma. All other questions about knowledge and awareness of dental trauma management received fewer correct answers.
Conclusion: According to the present study, dental practitioners have only mild-to-moderate knowledge and awareness about dental trauma. From the latest the International Association for Dental Traumatology guidelines, dentists need to consistently update their knowledge through dental trauma conferences, workshops, trainings, and symposiums.
Clinical significance: This study informs us about the existing level of dental knowledge about dental trauma, which is significantly low. This will considerably boost dental practitioners’ interest in TDIs. As a result, practitioners’ expertise will grow, allowing them to better care for their patients.
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