Citation Information :
Molina GO, Oliveira MT, Constantino HV, Milioli E, Ghizoni JS, Pereira JR. Evaluation of Mercury Contamination in Patients and Water during Amalgam Removal. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014; 15 (2):165-168.
The aim of this study was to evaluate mercury levels in wastewater and in patients during the removal of dental amalgam restorations.
Materials and methods
To test for mercury levels, patients were tested before and after amalgam restoration removal. To test for mercury emissions, samples of constant volume of wastewater from high-speed drills were collected before and during amalgam restoration removal.
Although the systemic mercury levels were lower than the limit of biological tolerance, all patients had increased levels after dental restorations. All samples of wastewater had increased mercury levels too.
The urinary levels of mercury increased with dental amalgam removal using a high-speed drill. During the process of amalgam removal, water used for cooling the dental drill was contaminated with mercury.
Clinical significance
The mercury released by the physical action of the drill, the replacement material and especially the final destination of the amalgam waste can increase contamination levels that can be a risk for human and environment health.
How to cite this article
Oliveira MT, Constantino HV, Molina GO, Milioli E, Ghizoni JS, Pereira JR. Evaluation of Mercury Contamination in Patients and Water during Amalgam Removal. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014;15(2):165-168.
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