Three-dimensional Finite Element Stress Pattern Analysis in Bone around Implant-supported Abutment with Different Angulations under Axial and Oblique Load
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Uppalapati V, Kumar S, Aggarwal R, Bhat I, Munaganti J, Khan S. Three-dimensional Finite Element Stress Pattern Analysis in Bone around Implant-supported Abutment with Different Angulations under Axial and Oblique Load. J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (1):16-20.
Aim: The goal of this research was to compare the stress distribution in the bone adjacent to the implant where three different angled abutments were loaded in both the axial and oblique directions.
Materials and methods: The premaxilla region was digitally recreated in 3-dimension (3D) using a finite element model, with a solid 4.2 mm by 13 mm implant and abutments at 0°, 15°, and 25° of rotation. Axial load (100 N) and oblique load were also applied to the abutments (178 N). Six models were made and used with a fixed bases. The coefficient of friction was set at a constant value of 0.02. The CITIA program was used for the stress analysis. In this investigation, we employed linear static analysis. Each abutment and crown in the model has subjected to an arbitrary vertical load as well as the oblique load.
Results: The cortical bone around the implant with a 25° angled abutment experienced a maximum von Mises stress of 187.692 Mpa under oblique load. This stress was increased with the degree of abutment angulation.
Conclusion: As abutment angulation was increased, axial and oblique burdens were also increased. In both cases, we were able to identify the source of the observed growth. When we looked at the effect of stress on angulation, we found that the peaks were seen in the area of abutment and cortical bone. Since it was difficult to predict the stress distribution around implants with varying abutment angles in a clinical setting, finite element analysis (FEA) was chosen for this investigation as a more cutting-edge approach.
Clinical significance: It is a herculean task calculating the prompted forces clinically, FEA has opted for this study as it's a progressively wielded tool to prognosticate the stress allocation in the region of the implants with different angled abutments.
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