Esthetic and Function Improvement by Direct Composite Resins and Biomimetic Concept
Marco Aurelio Paschoal, Lourdes Santos-Pinto, Mauricio Nagle, Weber Adad Ricci
Citation Information :
Paschoal MA, Santos-Pinto L, Nagle M, Ricci WA. Esthetic and Function Improvement by Direct Composite Resins and Biomimetic Concept. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014; 15 (5):654-658.
This case report describe a resin layering restorative technique based on biomimetic concept to improve esthetics in a patient with dental defects that affected both enamel and dentin in anterior teeth.
Severe structural defect in anterior teeth compromises esthetics and it is a high challenge to become the defect imperceptible after the restoration.
Case description
A clinical sequence of applying different composite resin layers allowed the reproduction of the interaction between hard dental tissues and the restorative material.
This technique achieved a satisfactory final esthetic outcome, preserving sound teeth structure and at same time, improved the quality of life of the young patient.
Clinical significance
The utilization of the biomimetic concept to increase a disharmonic smile with dental defects is based in a conservative approach, which reached a satisfactory and esthetic outcome.
How to cite this article
Paschoal MA, Santos-Pinto L, Nagle M, Ricci WA. Esthetic and Function Improvement by Direct Composite Resins and Biomimetic Concept. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014;15(5):654-658.
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