Influence of Standard Load Micro- and Nanopatterned in Surface Roughness of bleached Teeth and submitted to Different Surface Treatments
Mateus Rodrigues Tonetto, Mônica Barros Silva, André Afif Elossais, Matheus Coelho Bandeca, Renata do Amaral Nacanichi, Marcelo Ferrarezi Andrade, José Cláudio Martins Segalla, Fábio Luiz Miranda Pedro
Citation Information :
Tonetto MR, Silva MB, Elossais AA, Bandeca MC, Nacanichi RD, Andrade MF, Segalla JC, Pedro FL. Influence of Standard Load Micro- and Nanopatterned in Surface Roughness of bleached Teeth and submitted to Different Surface Treatments. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015; 16 (3):167-171.
do Amaral Nacanichi R, Tonetto MR, Bandéca MC, Andrade MF, Segalla JCM, Silva MB, Bhandi SH, Pedro FLM, Elossais AA. Influence of Standard Load Microand Nanopatterned in Surface Roughness of bleached Teeth and submitted to Different Surface Treatments. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(3):167-171.
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