Effect of Instrumentation Techniques, Irrigant Solutions and Artificial accelerated Aging on Fiberglass Post Bond Strength to Intraradicular Dentin
Carlos Jose Soares, Carlos Estrela, Fernanda Ribeiro Santana, Júlio Almeida Silva, Ana Helena Gonçalves Alencar, Sara Rodrigues Renovato, Lawrence Gonzaga Lopes
Citation Information :
Soares CJ, Estrela C, Santana FR, Silva JA, Alencar AH, Renovato SR, Lopes LG. Effect of Instrumentation Techniques, Irrigant Solutions and Artificial accelerated Aging on Fiberglass Post Bond Strength to Intraradicular Dentin. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015; 16 (7):523-530.
To evaluate the effect of instrumentation techniques, irrigant solutions and specimen aging on fiberglass posts bond strength to intraradicular dentine.
Materials and methods
A total of 120 bovine teeth were prepared and randomized into control and experimental groups resulting from three study factors (instrumentation techniques, irrigant solutions, specimen aging). Posts were cemented with RelyX U100. Samples were submitted to push-out test and failure mode was evaluated under a confocal microscope.
In specimens submitted to water artificial aging, nickel-titanium rotary instruments group presented higher bond strength values in apical third irrigated with NaOCl or chlorhexidine. Irrigation with NaOCl resulted in higher bond strength than ozonated water. Artificial aging resulted in significant bond strength increase. Adhesive cement-dentin failure was prevalent in all the groups.
Root canal preparation with NiTi instruments associated with NaOCl irrigation and ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid (EDTA) increased bond strength of fiberglass posts cemented with self-adhesive resin cement to intraradicular dentine. Water artificial aging significantly increased postretention.
Clinical significance
The understanding of factors that may influence the optimal bond between post-cement and cementdentin are essential to the success of endodontically treated tooth restoration.
How to cite this article
Santana FR, Soares CJ, Silva JA, Alencar AHG, Renovato SR, Lopes LG, Estrela C. Effect of Instrumentation Techniques, Irrigant Solutions and Artificial accelerated Aging on Fiberglass Post Bond Strength to Intraradicular Dentin. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(7): 523-530.
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