Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate gender dimorphism of the skeletal and dental angles and measurements among different types of malocclusions in the Population of Jizan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
Materials and methods: Cephalometric data were retrieved from the archived records of 272 dental patients, comprising 134 males and 138 females. Skeletal and dental malocclusions in both the sub-groups were digitally studied.
Statistical analysis: The measurement reliability was assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Non-parametric Mann-Whitney U tests were performed to evaluate the difference in skeletal and dental parameters between genders. The Chi-square test was done to determine the difference in malocclusion patterns amongst the gender.
Results: Statistical significance was noted in dental malocclusion (p-value = 0.003) and facial height, with females having a steeper mandible plan than males. The Sella-nasion-Nasion-Vertical line angles were reported high in females with no statistical significance. Linear cephalometric values were measured higher in males than females, whereas angular values and facial height parameters were lower in females than male.
Conclusion: Within the limitation of this study, it could be concluded that there is a prominent difference measured in facial profiles of males and females with higher facial height in males.
Clinical significance and limitations: These clinical outcomes will help orthodontists to analyze the accurate base angles and points to draft proper treatment plans considering the variation in the profile of males and females.
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