Quality of Life related to Eruption Hematoma in a Twenty Months Old Infant
Lucianne Cople Maia, Andréa Laudares Marques, Nashalie Andrade de Alencar, Andréa Gonçalves Antonio
Citation Information :
Maia LC, Marques AL, de Alencar NA, Antonio AG. Quality of Life related to Eruption Hematoma in a Twenty Months Old Infant. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015; 16 (9):763-767.
This paper describes a case of an eruption hematoma in a 20-month-old boy and the impact of this hematoma on the quality of life (QoL) related to oral health of this infant and his family.
Eruption hematoma is a soft benign cyst that contains blood and overlie a tooth that are about to erupt. Oral health conditions can affect the QoL and bring psychological impacts.
Case report
The proposed treatment was based on oral hygiene instruction, normal diet and massage on the lesion area. A weekly follow-up visits up to the spontaneous regression at the 6 weeks of the lesion was conducted. The impact on QoL was assessed though the Brazilian version of the early childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (B-ECOHIS) questionnaire before and after 2 months of the hematoma regression.
The presence of eruption hematoma impacted, physically and emotionally, the QoL related to oral health of the child and his family, and this impact decreased when the eruption hematoma disappeared.
Clinical significance
It is important the knowledge of the dentists about eruption cyst/hematoma to make the correct decisions to improve the QoL of their patients and families.
How to cite this article
Marques AL, de Alencar NA, Maia LC, Antonio AG. Quality of Life related to Eruption Hematoma in a Twenty Months Old Infant. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(9): 763-767.
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