Bond Strength of a Novel Universal Resin Cement to Dentin with or without an Adhesive Bonding Agent: An In Vitro Study
Elise Kaylene Andrews, Joseph Lee Gedge
Keywords :
Bonding agent, Bond strength, Universal resin cements
Citation Information :
Andrews EK, Gedge JL. Bond Strength of a Novel Universal Resin Cement to Dentin with or without an Adhesive Bonding Agent: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (10):725-728.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bond strength and fracture mode of universal resin cement to dentin compared to self-adhesive and adhesive resin cement with and without an adhesive bonding agent.
Materials and methods: Seventy-two molar teeth were sectioned to expose coronal dentin, divided into three groups, and assigned to RelyX UNIVERSAL (universal), RelyX ULTIMATE (adhesive), or RelyX UNICEM 2 (self-adhesive) cements from 3M. The 3 groups were further subdivided into 2 subgroups of 12 specimens each, with or without the use of an adhesive bonding agent. Lithium-disilicate discs were bonded to the dentin surface using the cements, stored for 24 hours in distilled water, and subjected to 2,000 thermocycles before shear bond strength testing and fracture mode analysis.
Results: Significant differences in bond strength and fracture mode were found between groups based on cement or the use of a bonding agent. Both the universal and adhesive cements had significantly greater bond strengths to dentin with the use of a bonding agent versus no bonding agent. With the self-adhesive cement, there was no significant increase in bond strength to dentin with the use of a bonding agent.
Conclusion: The novel universal resin cement had similar bond strengths to dentin as the adhesive cement with the use of a bonding agent, and similar bond strengths as the self-adhesive cement without the use of a bonding agent. The adhesively bonded universal cement had the greatest percentage of mixed and cohesive fractures.
Clinical significance: When greater adhesion is needed clinically, the novel universal resin cement may be used with an adhesive bonding agent. However, when less adhesion is needed, it could be used without a bonding agent in self-adhesive mode.
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