Study of the Mechanical Properties of the Novel Zirconia-reinforced Glass Ionomer Cement
Zeeshan H Ahmad, Sukumaran Anil, Elna P Chalisserry, Mohammed Almuhaiza, Abdulaziz M AlZailai
Citation Information :
Ahmad ZH, Anil S, Chalisserry EP, Almuhaiza M, AlZailai AM. Study of the Mechanical Properties of the Novel Zirconia-reinforced Glass Ionomer Cement. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17 (5):394-398.
The purpose of this in vitro study is to compare the compressive strength (CS) and diametral tensile strength (DTS) of the zirconia-reinforced restorative material (Zirconomer®) with conventional glass ionomers (Fuji 1X) and amalgam.
Materials and methods
Specimens (n = 120) were fabricated from silver amalgam, reinforced glass ionomer cement (GIC) (glass ionomer, Fuji 1X GC Corp.), and zirconia-reinforced glass ionomer (Zirconomer, Shofu Inc.) for testing the CS and DTS. The results were analyzed using analysis of variance, followed by a Tukey post hoc test.
Both CS and DTS were found to be significantly higher for the zirconia-reinforced GIC and silver amalgam compared with GIC (p < 0.001).
A newer class of restorative material like Zirconomer helps to overcome the potential hazard of mercury, but retains the strength and durability of amalgam as well as the sustained high-fluoride release of GICs. Furthermore, long-term studies are required to confirm its use as an alternative to the currently available posterior restorative material.
How to cite this article
Chalissery VP, Marwah N, Almuhaiza M, AlZailai AM, Chalisserry EP, Bhandi SH, Anil S. Study of the Mechanical Properties of the Novel Zirconia-reinforced Glass Ionomer Cement. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(5):394-398.
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