Socket Preservation using Enzyme-treated Equine Bone Granules and an Equine Collagen Matrix: A Case Report with Histological and Histomorphometrical Assessment
Lorenzo Cinci, Laura Pieri, Alessandro Leonida, Giovanni Todeschini, Giovanni Lomartire
Citation Information :
Cinci L, Pieri L, Leonida A, Todeschini G, Lomartire G. Socket Preservation using Enzyme-treated Equine Bone Granules and an Equine Collagen Matrix: A Case Report with Histological and Histomorphometrical Assessment. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17 (11):890-896.
To histologically assess the effectiveness of a socketpreservation technique using enzyme-treated equine bone granules as a bone-graft material in combination with an equine collagen matrix as a scaffold for soft-tissue regeneration.
Enzyme-treated equine bone granules and equine collagen matrix recently have been developed to help overcome alveolar bone deficiencies that develop in the wake of edentulism.
Case report
The patient had one mandibular molar extracted and the socket grafted with equine bone granules. The graft was covered with the equine collagen matrix, placed in a double layer. No flap was prepared, and the gingival margins were stabilized with a single stitch, leaving the matrix partially exposed and the site to heal by secondary intention. The adjacent molar was extracted 1 month later, and that socket was left to heal by secondary intention without any further treatment. Three months after each surgery, an implant was placed and a biopsy was collected. The two biopsies underwent histological processing and qualitative evaluation. Histomorphometric analysis was also performed to calculate the percentage of newly formed bone (NFB) in the two cores. Healing at both sites was uneventful, and no inflammation or other adverse reactions were observed in the samples. Soft-tissue healing by secondary intention appeared to occur faster at the grafted site. The corresponding core showed a marked separation between soft and hard tissue that was not observed in the core from the nongrafted site, where soft-tissue hypertrophy could be observed. Newly formed bone at the grafted and nongrafted sites was not significantly different (27.2 ± 7.1 and 29.4 ± 6.2% respectively, p=0.45).
The surgical technique employed in this case appeared to facilitate postextraction soft-tissue healing by second intention and simplify soft-tissue management.
Clinical significance
Using a collagen-based matrix to cover a postextraction grafted site may facilitate second intention soft-tissue healing and proper soft-tissue growth.
How to cite this article
Leonida A, Todeschini G, Lomartire G, Cinci L, Pieri L. Socket Preservation using Enzyme-treated Equine Bone Granules and an Equine Collagen Matrix: A Case Report with Histological and Histomorphometrical Assessment. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(11):890-896.
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