Evaluation of Osseointegration in Implants using Digital Orthopantomogram and Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Shameeka Thopte, Aastha Chopra, Amit A Mhapuskar, Swati Marathe, Shams U Nisa, Rashmi Saddiwal
Citation Information :
Thopte S, Chopra A, Mhapuskar AA, Marathe S, Nisa SU, Saddiwal R. Evaluation of Osseointegration in Implants using Digital Orthopantomogram and Cone Beam Computed Tomography. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17 (11):953-957.
Accurate assessment of osseointegration in dental implants requires precise radiographic visualization of pathologic conditions as well as anatomical structures. The present study aimed to evaluate the formation of bony tissue (osseointegration) using digital orthopantomogram (OPG) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) immediately after implant insertion (within 7 days) and 3 months postinsertion.
Materials and methods
Twenty single-implant sites on mandibular posterior regions were selected on patients irrespective of their gender. Both digital OPG and CBCT were done within a week and again after 3 months of implant insertion surgery, using the same exposure parameters.
Three of the 20 implants were submerged and were excluded as the crestal bone height could not be measured. The participants were recalled for radiographic measurements after 3 months of implant placement. On an average, there was 0.03 mm of osseointegration at the apical portion after 3 months of implant insertion on digital OPG; 0.04 mm of osseointegration at the crestal bone height after 3 months on digital OPG; and 0.01 mm of osseointegration at the apical portion after 3 months on CBCT. No change or ≤0.02 mm of osseointegration at crestal bone height after 3 months on CBCT.
Both digital OPG and CBCT are significant for the assessment of osseointegration in implants, and hence, endow definite benefit for accurate assessment in terms of the success of the implant placement.
Clinical significance
However, CBCT is a better mode of evaluating dental implants but one should keep in mind that radiographic examination must be conducted to the benefit of the patient by application of the lowest achievable dose.
How to cite this article
Chopra A, Mhapuskar AA, Marathe S, Nisa SU, Thopte S, Saddiwal R. Evaluation of Osseointegration in Implants using Digital Orthopantomogram and Cone Beam Computed Tomography. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(11):953-957.
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