Influence of Television Advertising on Behavior of Children across Socioeconomic Backgrounds
Rachana Bahuguna, Atul Jain, Divya Suryavanshi, Hemlata Chauhan, Suleiman A Khan, Ruchi Thakur
Citation Information :
Bahuguna R, Jain A, Suryavanshi D, Chauhan H, Khan SA, Thakur R. Influence of Television Advertising on Behavior of Children across Socioeconomic Backgrounds. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017; 18 (1):52-56.
This research analyzed the influence of television on the behavior of children belonging to urban and rural socioeconomic backgrounds of Bhopal city and its vicinity.
Materials and methods
About 400 parents with children between 1 and 18 years of age were subjected to a self-designed questionnaire, which sought information regarding the television viewing habits of children. Differences in responses were noted between the subjects of urban and rural areas. Obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis using Pearson's chi-square test to determine the level of significance.
The urban class showed a dominating pattern in the positive aspects of television viewing, such as significantly better awareness of oral health, more emphasis shown toward oral care adverts, and a higher knowledge of the cause of dental caries. However, the urban class also possessed a poor attitude; the appearance of a dentist on television did not remind them about oral needs, products with gifts pleased their children to a greater extent, they had more demanding children, parents fulfilled their children's demand more, and they relied on the self for selection of toothpaste. Overall, in all aspects, the rural class lacked significantly.
Television exerts a positive as well as negative influence on children's behavior among urban and rural communities, with the influence being more obvious in the urban class.
Clinical significance
The results of this study can be utilized in bringing about better and effective advertising oriented toward attaining optimum oral health of children; overall general health through adverts that discourage obesogenic diet and promote a diet rich in protein and fiber can also be focused on.
How to cite this article
Bahuguna R, Jain A, Suryavanshi D, Chauhan H, Khan SA, Thakur R. Influence of Television Advertising on Behavior of Children across Socioeconomic Backgrounds. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(1):52-56.
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