Endodontic therapy is a specialized procedure more demanded by patients within public oral health care in the country. Then, single-visit endodontic therapy may offer advantages to the health care services, to the professionals, and to the patients by reducing access barriers.
Materials and methods
A meta-analysis was done and the variables evaluated were periapical repair, microbiological control, and postobturation pain in randomized clinical trials (RCTs) involving endodontic treatment of nonvital teeth at single- or multiple visits.
About 17 RCTs were included. There were no differences found in periapical repair or microbiological control in single- and multiple-visit therapy. Single-visit endodontic therapy resulted in 21% less postobturation pain (relative risks = 0.79; 95%, confidence interval: 0.66-0.94).
There was less postobturation pain in the single-visit endodontic therapy group. In the public dental care, this analysis favors the adoption of this one therapy because it will be possible to increase the patient access and the supply of this therapy.
Clinical significance
It is possible to get a better cost-effectiveness for the patients and the health care service. This is very important because the reduction of the cost to the patient allows it to become a complete treatment. The health service, in turn, is able to be better used, with a greater supply of this service.
How to cite this article
Almeida DO, Chaves SCL, Souza RA, Soares FF. Outcome of Single- vs Multiple-visit Endodontic Therapy of Nonvital Teeth: A Meta-analysis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(4):330-336.
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