Assessment of the Peri-implant Bone Density Following Bicortical Anchored Corticobasal Implants Placement in the Maxillary Arch: A Cross-sectional Prospective Study
Keywords :
Bicortical implants, Bone density, Cone-beam computed tomography, Corticobasal implant, Peri-implant bone density
Citation Information :
Doshi A, Patel J, Gaur V, Fernandes G, Awadalkreem F. Assessment of the Peri-implant Bone Density Following Bicortical Anchored Corticobasal Implants Placement in the Maxillary Arch: A Cross-sectional Prospective Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024; 25 (9):820-829.
Aim: The aim of this cross-sectional prospective study was to evaluate the bone density changes around the bicortical corticobasal implant placed in the maxilla over 18 months of follow-up using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), focusing on the comparison between the anterior and posterior teeth and regions.
Materials and methods: Thirty-five subjects (20, 53.26%, were males, and 15, 46.73%, were females) received 380 implants (Basal Cortical Screwable implant, BCS®) at Narsinhbhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, India. Implant survival and success were assessed using Albrektsson criteria for implant success. The peri-implant bone density values were measured using CBCT (Vatech PaX-i 3d Smart) and InVivo software (Anatomage, San Jose, California, USA) at the baseline (immediate postoperative) and at the 18-month follow-up visit. For standardization purposes, the bone density values for only the maxillary implants were measured at the level of the second implant thread in four sites: buccal, mesial, distal, and palatal, respectively. The recorded data were tabulated and grouped according to the tooth's region (anterior/posterior) and sites (mesial, distal, buccal, and palatal).
Results: The implant's survival rate was 100%. After 18 months, the bone density increased significantly (p < 0.05) in all the sites in both anterior and posterior regions. The study's findings revealed a higher bone density increase in the posterior region compared to the anterior region after 18 months of follow-up, except for the palatal site.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, an increase in the peri-implant bone density has been associated with the use of corticobasal implants over time, with reported anterior/posterior regional variations.
Clinical significance: This study provides valuable insights into the bone density changes associated with bicortical corticobasal implants and emphasizes the importance of CBCT in evaluating bone density, as well as the significance of regional considerations in implant dentistry. By integrating these findings into clinical practice, clinicians can improve treatment outcomes and ensure long-term implant survival.
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