Citation Information :
Medina J, Orellana-Arauco H, Chacon-Gonzales D, Perez-Suasnabar H, Galarza-Valencia D, Quispe-Tasayco L. Shear Strength of Adhesives Based on Solvent Type, Aged, and LED-cured with Different Wavelengths: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024; 25 (9):846-850.
Objective: To evaluate the shear strength of adhesives based on the type of solvent (ethanol and acetone), aged and light-cured using light-emitting diode (LED) units with different wavelengths. Polywave and monowave LED units were employed for this in vitro study.
Materials and methods: Ninety bovine tooth samples were analyzed using OptiBond Universal adhesive (acetone) and single bond universal adhesive (ethanol). The samples underwent an aging process before being light-cured with different programs of polywave LED units (high-power, low-power, soft start) and monowave. Shear strength was measured using an Instron® Universal testing machine, with statistical analysis performed using ANOVA and the student's t-test.
Results: The adhesive with ethanol solvent, light-cured with polywave in high-power mode, achieved an average of 11.06 MPa, while low-power and soft start modes yielded 7.23 MPa and 10.82 MPa, respectively. The adhesive with acetone solvent, light-cured in high-power mode, had an average shear strength of 14.27 MPa, compared to 12.71 MPa in low-power mode and 12.92 MPa in soft start mode. No statistically significant differences were observed between the mean shear strengths of the groups treated with polywave and monowave LED units (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: The shear strength of adhesives with ethanol and acetone solvents varies depending on the light-curing program used, but no significant differences were found between the solvents when cured with polywave and monowave LED units. The choice of solvent type and light-curing program may influence adhesion properties.
Clinical significance: A careful selection of solvent and light-curing techniques for adhesives can enhance the quality and durability of dental restorations, improving adhesion and reducing micro leakage.
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