Citation Information :
KP SS, Minimol Z, Kumar K, Muraleedharan S. Effectiveness of Braille and ATP Technique in Improving Oral Hygiene Status of Visually Impaired Children: An Interventional Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024; 25 (9):851-855.
Aim: The study aimed to subject two groups of visually challenged children to Braille and audio-tactile performance (ATP) techniques of oral health education and compare the effectiveness of each technique through a comparison of OHI-S index scores.
Materials and methods: 30 visually challenged children of 6–12 years belonging to a Government-aided blind school were divided into two study groups based on the method of oral health education (n = 15). Group I received oral hygiene instructions in Braille while group II received instructions through audio clips, tactile sensations of tooth models, and closely supervised performance of brushing technique. OHI-S index was measured pre- and 2 months postintervention and compared between groups. Data was recorded and statistically analyzed.
Results: At the end of the study, both the groups showed a decrease in mean OHI-S index scores (Braille—1.286 vs 0.903; ATP—1.364 vs 1.058). No statistically significant difference was observed between the groups indicating that no method was superior or more effective to the other. No statistically significant difference was observed between males and females as well.
Conclusion: Improvement in oral hygiene was exhibited by both the groups at the end of the study and the groups did not significantly differ from each other. No difference was found between males and females in each group.
Clinical significance: By adapting oral health education methods appropriate for the visually challenged children and providing regular reinforcements of the same, the oral hygiene status of this vulnerable population could be improved bringing equity in oral health and realizing the goal of inclusive dentistry.
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