Risk Factors associated with Dental Implant Failure: A Study of 302 Implants placed in a Regional Center
Mehmet Oztel, Wojciech M Bilski, Arthur Bilski
Citation Information :
Oztel M, Bilski WM, Bilski A. Risk Factors associated with Dental Implant Failure: A Study of 302 Implants placed in a Regional Center. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017; 18 (8):705-709.
The aim of this research is to determine which risk factors are associated with dental implant failure and survival.
Materials and methods
Data pertaining to patients who received one or more dental implants from 2011 to 2013 in a regional center were retrospectively reviewed. This included a total of 302 Biomet 3i NanoTite Tapered Certain implants placed in 177 patients. All patients were followed up until the end of 2015.
This study found an overall success rate of 95%. Statistically significant factors that were found to affect implant survival were implant length, surgical technique, and presence of diabetes mellitus DM. Age, gender, body mass index (BMI), implant site, smoking, and variable operators were not found to have any significant implant on implant survival.
This study has demonstrated that the incidence of implant failure and its complications is affected by a number of important factors that clinicians should consider when assessing patients. A follow-up study with a larger sample size, longer follow-up period, and details of the type of prosthetic rehabilitation would be beneficial in producing more definitive conclusions which may improve clinical practice.
Clinical significance
Dental implants play an important role in modern-day dental rehabilitation. It is vital that clinicians understand the impact of variable risk factors on implant survival. This study will add to the growing literature on the subject.
How to cite this article
Oztel M, Bilski WM, Bilski A. Risk Factors associated with Dental Implant Failure: A Study of 302 Implants placed in a Regional Center. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(8):705-709.
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