Epidemiological and Clinicopathological Analysis of 92 Odontogenic Tumors: A 5-year Retrospective Study
Ipsita Sharma, Deepa Venkatesh, Geetanjali Bawa, Syed Vaseemuddin, Amit Joseph, Jimmy K Sangtani
Citation Information :
Sharma I, Venkatesh D, Bawa G, Vaseemuddin S, Joseph A, Sangtani JK. Epidemiological and Clinicopathological Analysis of 92 Odontogenic Tumors: A 5-year Retrospective Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017; 18 (11):1056-1060.
Odontogenic tumors (OTs) are a heterogeneous group of lesions that are derived from odontogenic apparatus comprised of odontogenic epithelium, ectomesenchyme, and/or mesenchymal elements. The OTs show marked geographical variation. This study was conducted to analyze the epidemiology and clinicopathological presentation of OTs based on age, sex, and site.
Materials and methods
This study was conducted in Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology. Records were reviewed retrospectively for all the lesions of oral cavity from January 2010 to December 2015. A total of 92 lesions were found to be OTs and were classified into benign and malignant tumors. They were further subdivided into three subtypes based on the types of odontogenic tissues involved. These were epithelial OTs (EOTs), mixed OTs (MIXOTs), and mesenchymal OTs (MOTs).
Of 92 OTs, 84 were benign (males 48, females 36) and 8 were malignant (male 2, females 6). The most common benign tumor was ameloblastoma (AME) (20), followed by keratocystic OT (KCOT) (17), calcifying EOT (CEOT) (14), compound odontome (OD-Cd) (12), complex odontome (OD-Cx) (10), odontogenic fibroma (OF) (5), odontogenic myxoma (OM) (4), and cementoblastoma (CB) (2). The most common malignant tumor was primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma (PIOSCC) (3) followed by fibrosarcoma (FS) (3) and ameloblastic carcinoma (AC).
Author concluded that there was geographic and demographic variation in distribution of OTs, which may be attributed to socioeconomic and genetic factors.
Clinical significance
Literature showing prevalence of OTs in India is negligible. By this article, we have analyzed the frequency of various OTs according to sex, age, and site. A comprehensive record of OTs should be started so that pathologists and surgeons would be able to acquire the information about the tumor for reference in the future.
How to cite this article
Sharma I, Venkatesh D, Bawa G, Vaseemuddin S, Joseph A, Sangtani JK. Epidemiological and Clinicopathological Analysis of 92 Odontogenic Tumors: A 5-year Retrospective Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(11):1056-1060.
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