Patients’ Knowledge and Perceived Barriers toward
Replacement of Missing Teeth among Respondents
of Hail City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Muteb S Alshammari, Ahad S Alshammari, Ammar A Siddiqui, Asaad J Mirza, Rashid I Mian
Citation Information :
S Alshammari M, S Alshammari A, A Siddiqui A, J Mirza A, I Mian R. Patients’ Knowledge and Perceived Barriers toward Replacement of Missing Teeth among Respondents of Hail City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19 (1):86-90.
Aim: Teeth maintain the functionality and esthetic of oral cavity,
they are also important for psychological and social well-being.
This study aims to assess awareness of patients toward replacement
of missing teeth. People with unrestored or missing teeth
tend to have poor self-esteem and oral health-related quality
of life; hence, their knowledge toward restoring and replacing
teeth is an important aspect to be measured.
Materials and methods: It was an observational study having
a cross-sectional design. Face- and content-validated questionnaire
was used as study tool. Nonprobability, convenient
sampling technique was employed that yielded information from
183 respondents residing in various areas of Hail city. Data
were collected after written informed consent. The study was
approved by the University of Hail ethical committee.
Results: Two hundred questionnaires were distributed, out of
which 183 were returned. Regarding knowledge of restoring
missing teeth, 145 (79.2%) respondents know that function
and esthetic can be maintained by replacing missing teeth.
Information about the availability of various types of prosthesis
was mostly obtained by them through their dentist (70; 48.3%),
while books/magazines/Internet was the second source (38;
26.2%) and 37 (25.5%) heard it from someone who has already
undergone the replacement of teeth.
Conclusion: The present study indicated that a good number
of respondents have the knowledge of teeth replacement, and
dentists were the most common source of information to the
patients in terms of education about different treatment options.
Clinical significance: Evaluate and plan treatment options
based on patients’ expectations and perceptions.
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