VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 2 ( Spring Issue, 2001 ) > List of Articles
Steven Schvvartz
Citation Information : Schvvartz S. One Step at a Time: A Game Plan for Success. J Contemp Dent Pract 2001; 2 (2):63-71.
DOI: 10.5005/jcdp-2-2-63
License: CC BY-NC 3.0
Published Online: 01-02-2005
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2001; The Author(s).
Personal success is more likely to occur if individuals establish a concise action plan for achieving their goals. The action plan needs to be in writing, and it should include specific goals, success values, the tasks required to reach the goals, and the intended dates of completion of each task and goal. Goal setting can be accomplished through mental visualization of the goal. A method for creating an action plan is presented in this article.