Streptococcal Gingivitis: A Report of Case with a Description of a Unique Gingival Prothesis
Yasin Çiçek, Mehmet Özgöz, Varol Çanakçi, Recep Orbak
Citation Information :
Çiçek Y, Özgöz M, Çanakçi V, Orbak R. Streptococcal Gingivitis: A Report of Case with a Description of a Unique Gingival Prothesis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2004; 5 (3):150-157.
Çiçek Y, Özgöz M, Çanakçi, et. al Streptococcal Gingivitis: A Report of Case with a Description of a Unique Gingival Prosthesis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2004 August;(5)3:150-157.
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