Effects of One Versus Two-layer Applications of a Self-etching Adhesive to Dentin of Primary Teeth: A SEM Study
Ayşegül Ölmez, Nurhan Öztaş
Citation Information :
Ölmez A, Öztaş N. Effects of One Versus Two-layer Applications of a Self-etching Adhesive to Dentin of Primary Teeth: A SEM Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2005; 6 (1):18-25.
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Copyright © 2005; The Author(s).
Öztaş N, Ölmez A. Effects of One versus Two-layer Applications of a Self-etching Adhesive to Dentin of Primary Teeth: A SEM Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2005 February; (6)1: 018-025.
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