Dentoalveolar and Mandibular Body Fractures Caused by a Horse Kick: Report of a Case
Wilson Denis Martins, Daniela Martins Fávaro, Marina de Oliveira Ribas, Guilherme Martins
Citation Information :
Martins WD, Fávaro DM, de Oliveira Ribas M, Martins G. Dentoalveolar and Mandibular Body Fractures Caused by a Horse Kick: Report of a Case. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006; 7 (2):137-144.
Martins WD, Fávaro DM, Ribas MO, Martins G. Dentoalveolar and Mandibular Body Fractures Caused by a Horse Kick: Report of a Case. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006 May;(7)2:137-144.
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