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VOLUME 7 , ISSUE 3 ( July, 2006 ) > List of Articles


Penetration of Fluids into Peridontal Pockets Using a Powered Toothebrush/Irrigator Device

Ana L. Thompson, Martha Goêl Brackett, Connie L. Drisko, Jennifer L. Waller, Donna L. Marshall, George S. Schuster

Citation Information : Thompson AL, Brackett MG, Drisko CL, Waller JL, Marshall DL, Schuster GS. Penetration of Fluids into Peridontal Pockets Using a Powered Toothebrush/Irrigator Device. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006; 7 (3):30-39.

DOI: 10.5005/jcdp-7-3-30

License: CC BY-NC 3.0

Published Online: 01-11-2007

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2006; The Author(s).



Subjects were randomized in one of two-groups: brush plus simultaneous irrigation (OHS) versus brush plus rinsing (SE). Subjects used their devices at home for two weeks. At the measurement visit, subjects used the OHS to irrigate and brush simultaneously for 1 minute (30 seconds per each side of the mouth) with a 0.01% erythrosine disclosing solution in 10 oz of distilled water. Control subjects brushed for 2 minutes with a SE followed by a 1 minute rinse with an identical disclosing solution. A blinded evaluator collected six samples of approximately of 1 μL of sucular fluid from six 5-6 mm evaluation sites. This was accomplished by inserting a microcapillary tip with a 20 μL micropipette in the sulcus. Two-group repeated measures ANOVA was used to examine differences in two measures of the disclosing solution between OHS and SE subjects; the spectrometer reading of the disclosing solutions, and by visual inspection of the samples (positive/negative) to determine the presence or absence of solution in the samples. Subjects’ diaries were collected. Bleeding and discomfort during the evaluation period was reported.


Visually, OHS had a significantly greater proportion of solution taken from the base of 5-6 mm sites than the SE (p=0.0001). However, there was no statistical difference between the two groups (p=.1359) in the spectrophotometer readings.


The experimental device is more efficient in delivering a solution to the base of 5-6 mm pockets than rinsing following use of a control powered toothbrush. Both devices have demonstrated they are safe and well accepted by patients. The technique developed provides a useful method for quantitative and qualitative studies of solutions from the base of periodontal pockets.


Brackett MG, Drisko CL, Thompson AL, Waller JL, Marshall DL, Schuster GS. Penetration of Fluids into Periodontal Pockets Using a Powered Toothbrush/Irrigator Device. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006 July:(7)3:030-039.

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