Citation Information :
Flório FM, Barbosa CM, Sasaki RT, Basting RT. Influence of Time on Bond Strength After Bleaching with 35% Hydrogen Peroxide. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008; 9 (2):81-88.
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the influence of time after treatment with a 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent on the shear bond strength between composite resin and sound enamel and dentin.
Methods and Materials
Eighty dental slabs - 40 enamel (E) slabs and 40 dentin (D) slabs - were embedded, flatted, and divided into four groups (n=10). In G1 the E and D slabs were kept in artificial saliva for 14 days. For the G2, G3, and G4 groups the E and D slabs were submitted to bleaching treatment with a 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent. At different times after bleaching treatments (G2=immediate; G3=seven days; G4= fourteen days), composite resin cylinders were made using an adhesive system. Tests were performed in a universal testing machine at a speed of 0.5 mm/min to obtain the values in MPa.
For enamel, the Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn Method showed G1 differed significantly from G2 (G1=13.40 a; G2=6.64 b; G3=16.76 a; G4=11.64 ab). For dentin, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey tests showed that G1 differed significantly from G2 and G3 (G1=12.11 a; G2=4.97 b; G3=8.67 c; G4=11.86 ac).
It is recommended adhesive restorative procedures in enamel be delayed for seven days postbleaching treatment with 35% hydrogen peroxide, while restorations in dentin should be delayed for 14 days following bleaching treatment.
Barbosa CM, Sasaki RT, Flório FM, Basting RT. Influence of Time on Bond Strength After Bleaching with 35% Hydrogen Peroxide. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008 February;(9)2:081-088.
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