Evaluation of Bone Healing Following Immediate and Delayed Dental Implant Placement
Luay Younis, Asraa Taher, Mohamed Ibrahim Abu-Hassan, Ong Tin
Citation Information :
Younis L, Taher A, Abu-Hassan MI, Tin O. Evaluation of Bone Healing Following Immediate and Delayed Dental Implant Placement. J Contemp Dent Pract 2009; 10 (4):35-42.
The purpose of this study was to compare bone healing and coronal bone remodeling following both immediate and delayed placement of titanium dental implants in extraction sockets.
Methods and Materials
The study included 49 patients (28 women, 21 men) in need of implant treatment in the anterior teeth region of either the maxilla or mandible. Twenty-three subjects received 37 immediate (Im) implants and 26 subjects received 37 delayed (De) implants. The implants were placed immediately in the alveoli following the extraction in the Im group and the implants in the De group were placed approximately six months following the extractions. The width and depth of the marginal bone defects mesial and distal to the implants were evaluated radiographically using computer software designed to measure distances in digitized radiographs.
The mean reduction of bone defect over time was 48% (from 3.4 to 1.3 mm) in the Im group which was statistically significant (P <0.05) when tested using a sample t-test, while the mean reduction was 17% (from 2.1 to 1.9 mm) in the De group.
The potential exists for bone healing and remodeling in fresh extraction socket defects associated with immediately placed implants.
Clinical Significance
Im implantation offers the advantages of reduced operating time and the preservation of alveolar bone volume.
Younis L, Taher A, Abu-Hassan MI, Tin O. Evaluation of Bone Healing Following Immediate and Delayed Dental Implant Placement. J Contemp Dent Pract 2009 July; (10)4:035-042.
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