Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Clinicopathological Study of 342 Thai Cases
Robert P. Langlais, Aree Jainkittivong, Somporn Swasdison, Malee Thangpisityotin
Citation Information :
Langlais RP, Jainkittivong A, Swasdison S, Thangpisityotin M. Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Clinicopathological Study of 342 Thai Cases. J Contemp Dent Pract 2009; 10 (5):33-41.
To conduct a clinicopathological review of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and to analyze it with respect to gender, age at diagnosis, clinical presentation, lesion location, and histological grading.
Methods and Materials
Information on the clinicopathological characteristics of SCC was obtained from pathology reports of 342 cases.
The male to female ratio was 1:1 and the incidence increased with age. Among the patients 4.7% were younger than 40 years and males were predominant in this subgroup. The alveolar ridge and gingiva were the most commonly affected sites (50%). The majority of the SCC cases presented as ulcers or masses. Swelling and/or pain were the first signs and/ or symptoms in most patients (52.6%). The age at diagnosis in relation to the site of occurrence varied. Conventional SCC was the most common subtype (88%). Well-differentiated SCC was the most common histological grading (78.6%).
In the present study, the incidence of SCC was age-related and showed equal gender distribution.
Clinical Significance
Routine examination of the oral cavity by dental practitioners and other health care providers aids in the early detection of premalignant and malignant oral disease. Dentists can play a significant role in disseminating information regarding oral cancer.
Jainkittivong A, Swasdison S, Thangpisityotin M, Lnaglais RP. Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Clinicopathological study of 342 Thai Cases. J Contemp Dent Pract [Internet]. 2009 Sept; 10(5). Available from: http://www.thejcdp. com/journal/view/oralsquamous-cell-carcinoma-aclinicopathological- study-of-342-thai-cases.
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