VOLUME 11 , ISSUE 3 ( May, 2010 ) > List of Articles
Jawad A. Abu Tair, Ahmad Rahhal
Citation Information : Tair JA, Rahhal A. Tooth Autotransplantation in Orthodontic Patients. J Contemp Dent Pract 2010; 11 (3):63-70.
DOI: 10.5005/jcdp-11-3-63
License: CC BY-NC 3.0
Published Online: 01-06-2017
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2010; The Author(s).
The aims of this report are to present three cases of autotransplantation along with a review of the indications, selection criteria for patient donor and recipient sites, and the major steps in the surgical procedure. Autogenous tooth transplantation, or autotransplantation, is the surgical movement of a tooth from one location in the mouth to another in the same individual. It can be a good treatment option in many cases if the dentist knows the implications, indications, and contraindications. Three cases with different treatment indications and plans are presented. All showed autotransplantation of teeth as part of orthodontic treatment. It emphasized the benefits of this treatment modality such as new bone formation and lower costs. One case, a rare example of multiple congenitally missing teeth treated by autotransplantation, also was presented. As shown in these case reports, there are instances where the autotransplantation of teeth is appropriate and may possibly simplify future planned orthodontic or prosthodontic treatment. Tooth autotransplantation is an easy and good treatment option, applicable in a lot of cases, substituting different types of prostheses, including dental implants. Abu Tair JA, Rahhal A. Tooth Autotransplantation in Orthodontic Patients. J Contemp Dent Pract [Internet]. 2010 May; 11(3):063-070. Available from: http://www.thejcdp. com/journal/view/volume11-issue3-abu_tair.