Radiographic Assessment of Three-implant-retained Mandibular Overdentures: A Clinical Study of Alveolar Bone Height Changes (Randomized Clinical Trial)
Effect of Ridge Splitting of Mandibular Knife Edge Ridges with Two-implant Retained Overdenture with Locator Attachments on Peri-implant Bone Level and Posterior Ridge Resorption: A One-year Preliminary Study
Comparison of Fracture Resistance between Implant-supported Bis-acryl Interim 3-unit FDPs Using Six Different Strengthening Mechanisms: An In Vitro Study
Ghada Ayash
Ali Mohammad Hujeiry
The Impact of Social Media on Professional Learning among Undergraduate Dental Students: A Cross-sectional Study
Evaluation of Antibacterial Effect of New Sealer “Neoseal” and Two Commercially Used Endodontic Sealers against Enterococcus faecalis: An In Vitro Study
Maria Rafaat Reslan
Periapical Lesions Associated with Demographic Variables, Dental Conditions, Systemic Diseases, and Habits
Evaluating the Marginal and Internal Discrepancy of Nickel–Chrome Copings Made on Fixed Partial Denture Implants with Conventional and 3D Printing Techniques